An Anniversary not to be forgotten: The Assassination of a Peace-Maker in 1963

Credit “Robert Knudsen, White House/John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston”

I was 16 years young at the time of the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, a gauche, apolitical member of my Grammar School’s Lower Sixth Form. I never quite believed the official version of the drama but knew no better. For a time, the UK Sunday papers carried supplements covering ‘meticulously’ the minutiae of the event. Like others, intrigued I pored over them. If anything these detailed accounts left me no wiser and probably even less convinced by what we would now call the mainstream narrative. My life moved on and I pushed doubts aside. Later, by my mid-twenties, increasingly involved in Left debate and activity, a would-be revolutionary, I recollect little or no engagement with the significance of the President’s death. Much later I began to notice that the mere mention of his murder was scornfully dismissed as evidence of paranoia, that you were losing your grip. The tragedy was long gone. Scrutinising what happened seemed an obsessive, indulgent distraction from the politics of the day. In truth, it’s only in the last four years or so that escaping from my Left bubble I have revisited the times I have lived through and the strengths and weaknesses of my analysis thereof. Sometimes, faced with my take on world-shattering events, I’ve been forced to acknowledge my profound ignorance. One of those moments is to be traced to Dallas in 1963.

During this recent period of rampant intellectual and ideological promiscuity, I discovered, amongst others a bedfellow in the person of Edward Curtin, whose book, ‘Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies’ was revelatory. He describes himself as ‘a writer, researcher, and former professor of sociology, poet, essayist, journalist, novelist….writer – beyond a cage of categories’. I’m not always on the same page with him, however eloquently expressed. He is deeply religious. I remain still an irreconcilable atheist. However, I both welcome and fear the doubts he sows. A couple of years ago he put together a powerful summary of the prosecution case that the CIA murdered JFK. In a post on his blog today he urges us to read anew or afresh the argument. Even as I encourage you to do so I wonder, even suspect that to do so will be seen as proof of my further descent into an underworld, a Hades of conspiracy.

Over to Edward Curtin

What is the truth, and where did it go?
Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know
“Shut your mouth,” said the wise old owl
Business is business, and it’s a murder most fou
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Don’t worry, Mr. President
Help’s on the way
Your brothers are coming, there’ll be hell to pay
Brothers? What brothers? What’s this about hell?
Tell them, “We’re waiting, keep coming”
We’ll get them as well

– Bob Dylan, Murder Most Foul

Why President Kennedy was publicly murdered by the CIA sixty years ago has never been more important.  All pseudo-debates to the contrary – including the numerous and growing claims that it was not the U.S. national security state but the Israelis that assassinated the president, which exonerates the CIA – the truth about the assassination has long been evident.  There is nothing to debate unless one is some sort of intelligence operative, has an obsession, or is out to make a name or a buck.  I suggest that all those annual JFK conferences in Dallas should finally end, but my guess is that they will be rolling along for many more decades.  To make an industry out of a tragedy is wrong.  And these conferences are so often devoted to examining and debating minutiae that are a distraction from the essential truth. 

As for the corporate mainstream media, they will never admit the truth but will continue as long as necessary to titillate the public with lies, limited hangouts, and sensational non-sequiturs.  To do otherwise would require admitting that they have long been complicit in falsely reporting the crime and the endless coverup.  That they are arms of the CIA and NSA.

The Cold War, endless other wars, and the nuclear threat John Kennedy worked so hard to end have today been inflamed to a fever pitch by U.S. leaders in thrall to the forces that killed the president. President Joseph Biden, like all the presidents that followed Kennedy, is JFK’s opposite, an unrepentant war-monger, not only in Ukraine with the U.S. war against Russia and the U.S. nuclear first-strike policy, but throughout the world – the Middle East, Africa, Syria, Iran, and on and on, including the push for war with China. 

Nowhere is this truer than with the U.S. support for the current Israeli genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza, a slaughter also supported by Robert Kennedy, Jr., who, ironically, is campaigning for the presidency on the coattails of JFK and his father Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who would be appalled by his unequivocal support for the Israeli government.  By such support and his silence as the slaughter in Gaza continues, RFK, Jr. is, contrary to his other expressed opinions, supporting a wide range of war-related matters that involve the U.S.- Israel alliance, which is central to the military-industrial forces running U.S. foreign policy.  To say this is dispiriting is a great understatement, for RFK, Jr., a very intelligent man, knows that the CIA killed his uncle and father, and he is campaigning as a spiritually awakened man intent on ending the U.S. warfare state, something impossible to accomplish when one gives full-fledged support to Israel.  And I believe he will be elected the next U.S. president.

The Biden administration is doing all in its power to undo the legacy of JFK’s last year in office when on every front he fought for peace, not war.  It is not hard to realize that all presidents since John Kennedy have been fully aware that a bullet to the head in broad daylight could be their fate if they bucked their bosses.  They knew this when they sought the office because they were run by the same bosses before election.  Small-souled men, cowards on the make, willing to sacrifice millions to their ambition.

I believe that the following article – my final one on this matter – which I published two years ago, is worth reading again if you have once done so, and even more important if you have never read it. It is not based on speculation but on well-sourced facts, and it will make clear the importance of President Kennedy and why his assassination lay the foundation for today’s dire events.  In this dark time, when the world is spinning out of control, the story of his great courage in the face of an assassination he expected, can inspire us to oppose the systemic forces of evil that control the United States and are leading the world into the abyss.

Watch 3,000 Jews and Muslims sing together, just five years ago—the music, and their spirit, reassuring us that we (who want to live in peace) SHALL overcome

Thanks to Mark Crispin Miller at News from the Underground for this link –

An antidote to the despair induced by the combined ferocity of Zionism (“Christian,” “Jewish”) and Judaeophobia

At this nightmarish moment of pandemic hate, we badly need to be reminded of the possibility that we can come together, and thereby defeat the forces dedicated to dividing us, by keeping both sides in a genocidal rage—which, if it doesn’t kill you outright, will only make you that much easier to kill, through other means.

To put it differently, we can and must resist the atavistic call to join the sort of “holy war” that drenched the Middle East, and so much of Europe, and Byzantium, in blood throughout the centuries of the Crusades, with oceans more spilled during the Reformation, then the Counter-Reformation. We need, in short, to rediscover the great prior time of Convivencia, in Spain, when Muslims, Jews and Christians lived in harmony, and flourished culturally, for some three centuries of the (so-called) “Dark Ages.”

The glory of that possibility resounds from this exhilarating mass performance of “One Day,” sung in English, Arabic and Hebrew, in Haifa, just five years ago.

Please watch and listen, and then share it if you like, because its spirit is enough to help us overcome the hate that has now been so deftly engineered to have us at each other’s throats, so that we fail to see what’s coming down on all of us, and has been for some four years.

From M. Hall:

“Matthew Paul Miller – known by his Hebrew name Matisyahu is a Jewish reggae singer.

In 2018 he asked 3,000 Muslims and Jews in Haifa (none of whom had ever met before) to come together and learn the song “One Day” with him in less than an hour. Not only that, they also learned to sing and harmonize the song in three different languages. The concert that resulted from this brings the spirit of the new era into the world.

There is an incomprehensible power inherent in the spirit of UNITY, LOVE and CONNECTION.

Carrying this power TOGETHER into the world is the new WE ❤️ “

On the possibility of Convivencia—a possibility that was once realized in the “Dark Ages,” which evidently were less “dark” than the later centuries of Christian (or “Christian”) primacy.

For those who want to dig more deeply into it, I strongly recommend Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews, by James Carroll: